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Initial Setup in JDeveloper for OAF Development

If you want to do some OAF Development in JDeveloper for the first time, you will need to do the following things.
1] Download JDeveloper Patch
Based on your instance release level, check out the version of JDeveloper to use using below link.
You can identify the OA Framework version in your instance by activating diagnostics and click the “About This Page” from any OAF page. Click the “Technology Components” tab. The OA Framework version in the top row of the table can then be matched to the JDeveloper Patch.
Download the JDeveloper Patch.
2] Extract the JDeveloper patch in a directory say D:DevSuiteHome_1jdev
The patch actually contains below three directories
  • jdevbin – Includes an extended version of the Oracle JDeveloper 10executable and OA Framework class libraries.
  • jdevhome – Includes the OA Framework Toolbox Tutorial source and developer working area.
  • jdevdoc – Contains documentation.
3] Define an environment variable
Define an environment variable JDEV_USER_HOME for your local machine. This has to be set to jdevhomejdev directory. In above example it has to be D:DevSuiteHome_1jdevjdevhomejdev.
My Computer  Properties  Advanced tab  Environment Variables  New
Value: D:DevSuiteHome_1jdevjdevhomejdev
4] Extract Tutorial.zip
Extract D:DevSuiteHome_1jdev jdevbinTutorial.zip into D:DevSuiteHome_1jdev jdevhome.
It will create following directories
D:DevSuiteHome_1jdev jdevhomejdevmyhtml
D:DevSuiteHome_1jdev jdevhomejdevmyprojects
5] Get the DBC file
Obtain the FND database connection (.dbc) file from the system administrator who installed the OA Framework database where you want to do your development.
For the instance to use, you can get the .dbc file from $FND_SECURE and put it in <JDEV_USER_HOME>dbc_filessecure i.e. D:DevSuiteHome_1jdevjdevhomejdev dbc_filessecure
6] Creating a Desktop Shortcut to JDeveloper
To facilitate launching JDeveloper, create a desktop shortcut to jdevbinjdevbinjdevw.exe.
7] Configuring the Environment Encoding of JDeveloper
Confirm the environment encoding of your JDeveloper if it is appropriately set.
Go to Tools – Preferences – Environment – Encoding
If Encoding is not set to “UTF-8″, set it to “UTF-8″.
The initial setup is now complete!….Now you are ready to develop your first OAF page. For more information you can refer OAF Developer’s Guide.
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